Sunday, June 20, 2010

High fructose corn syrup, the secret killer



Hi everyone,


Do you like to drink soda? Eat bread? How about soup or a can of beans? High fructose corn syrup is a HUGE contributor to American obesity. Most people don't give it a second thought when they go to the grocery store. The corn industry spends massive amounts of money to keep this information low key: high fructose corn syrup is killing our country. It is so cheap to make, that they put it in EVERYTHING. I challenge you to go to your fridge and look at all of the products that contain this poison. They liken the effects of this to the equivalent of an alcoholics liver. Crazy right?

Watch this video about high fructose corn syrup

Scary right? Have you seen the commercials promoting it in moderation? Kind of hard to moderate when they put it in everything. I suggest you read your labels before you buy any type of food. It isn't too late to become aware of this deadly "product". I personally do not eat anything with HFCS in it, as often as possible. Sometimes you just don't know. Protect your cells and live a healthy life today!

Don't forget to follow on twitter @as_llc


Thanks for reading!

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