Monday, June 21, 2010

Beef, it's what's for dinner... Not for me!!!

Oh boy, let's go get a cheesy, beefy, melty cheeseburger of tastiness! Hold on a second... what is in that cheeseburger anyway? I watched a movie with a very close friend of mine called Food Inc. Now don't get me wrong, I am in no way a health nut, hating on everyone that enjoy's some junk food every once in a while, but when I saw this video, I almost lost my lunch!

Think twice about eating that drive through food! The mass beef industry has failed us completely. They lobby the government, and the majority of the top positions within the FDA and other government regulatory agencies are held by people that used to work for giant food conglomerates like Conagra. What this means for you, is that what is allowed to go into our food is barely even regulated, and worse yet, hidden from the public. This is just the tip of the iceburg folks, but I can tell you that I will never eat ground beef from a fast food joint ever again! Imagine taking a nice juicy mouthful of that kitty litter box. Yumbo! That is essentially what you are doing when you are eating that fast food burger. I wonder if they will start putting that stuff into milkshakes too? Can you imagine, Burger King's newest sensation, the Ammonia-Strawberry milkshake deluxe. Ha! 


Now that we got the gross stuff out of the way, please take a moment and visit my website, and check out the most amazing health supplement available on the market. I take it and I feel like superman, and I hope you get the opportunity to take it as well. Start reversing the damage that this world has done to your body! Please do not forget to follow us on Twitter @as_llc .


Thanks for reading!

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