Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Milk Thistle, Natures gift to our liver

Liver problems? Milk Thistle extract may be part of the solution. Milk thistle extract has been studied for it's numerous health benefits. It has been scientifically proven to both prevent and repair toxin induced liver damage. The uses of milk thistle has ranges from post steroid recovery for body builders as well as lowering cholesterol levels. It has also been used to reduce the damage to chemotherapy patience as well. One of the largest uses to date have been to help lower insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes sufferers. I believe that the positive benefits of milk thistle extract can benefit everyone that is looking to lead a healthier lifestyle and protect our incredible bodies. If you would like to take advantage of these healthy benefits, please take a look at my website. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter!


Thanks for reading!


Eating healthier = Longer life?


Is eating healthier the only way to live longer?
We've all heard that you should eat healthier, excercise more, get more sleep to live a healthier life. You need to eat a variety of different colors of fruit and vegetables. By doing all this you should live longer and without as many health problems as the next guy, right? But what if doing all that still doesn't give you optimal health? What if your body is still suffering from diseases?
So here we are following the healhty diet and excercise mantra, but we are still having problems with very painful health issues. Endometriosis, arthritis, and chronic fatigue syndrome to name a few.  So what are we to do now? We know through scientific research that over 200 diseases are caused by oxidative stress and that in itself can cause inflammation. We also know that inflammation can cause some pretty sever pain. So what if we could naturally lower oxidative stress? And that will in turn lower inflammation to the point where it can take away the pain? Check out the Today Show video and the ABC Prime Time Video on this link and see for yourself about how to live healthier and longer . It's no secret that to live longer you need to take the steps necessary to make that happen.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Beef, it's what's for dinner... Not for me!!!

Oh boy, let's go get a cheesy, beefy, melty cheeseburger of tastiness! Hold on a second... what is in that cheeseburger anyway? I watched a movie with a very close friend of mine called Food Inc. Now don't get me wrong, I am in no way a health nut, hating on everyone that enjoy's some junk food every once in a while, but when I saw this video, I almost lost my lunch!

Think twice about eating that drive through food! The mass beef industry has failed us completely. They lobby the government, and the majority of the top positions within the FDA and other government regulatory agencies are held by people that used to work for giant food conglomerates like Conagra. What this means for you, is that what is allowed to go into our food is barely even regulated, and worse yet, hidden from the public. This is just the tip of the iceburg folks, but I can tell you that I will never eat ground beef from a fast food joint ever again! Imagine taking a nice juicy mouthful of that kitty litter box. Yumbo! That is essentially what you are doing when you are eating that fast food burger. I wonder if they will start putting that stuff into milkshakes too? Can you imagine, Burger King's newest sensation, the Ammonia-Strawberry milkshake deluxe. Ha! 


Now that we got the gross stuff out of the way, please take a moment and visit my website, and check out the most amazing health supplement available on the market. I take it and I feel like superman, and I hope you get the opportunity to take it as well. Start reversing the damage that this world has done to your body! Please do not forget to follow us on Twitter @as_llc .


Thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Your tap water is poison!!

Fluoride is great for your teeth, right? I don't think so. 

For somewhere around 60 years now, our local and federal water treatment facilities have been "treating" our water with fluoride. The thought behind it was that it would be great for our teeth and keep dental and other related costs down. Uh oh, big problem! The thing they did not tell us, is that fluoride is a POISON. Fluoride has been proven to be a gradually increasing health risk for humans. Not only does it damage your teeth, yes, I said damage, it also creates other massive health problems. Abnormal bone growth and skeletal problems being one of the major ones. Many studies have also been done that even links Fluoride poisoning with Autism. That would explain a few things now, wouldn't it? 

If you don't believe me, check out this video. Doctors and dentists can't be wrong on this can they? I suggest you ditch your tap water, and tell Colgate to take a hike! There are plenty of Fluoride free toothpastes on the market. If you want some suggestions, leave a comment below and I can point you in the right direction. The first step to reversing the poisoning is to NEVER DRINK TAP WATER AGAIN. The second is to take a supplement that can help your damaged cells and prevent them from further damage. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this and don't forget to follow us on Twitter @as_llc

Don't drink that tap water!

High fructose corn syrup, the secret killer



Hi everyone,


Do you like to drink soda? Eat bread? How about soup or a can of beans? High fructose corn syrup is a HUGE contributor to American obesity. Most people don't give it a second thought when they go to the grocery store. The corn industry spends massive amounts of money to keep this information low key: high fructose corn syrup is killing our country. It is so cheap to make, that they put it in EVERYTHING. I challenge you to go to your fridge and look at all of the products that contain this poison. They liken the effects of this to the equivalent of an alcoholics liver. Crazy right?

Watch this video about high fructose corn syrup

Scary right? Have you seen the commercials promoting it in moderation? Kind of hard to moderate when they put it in everything. I suggest you read your labels before you buy any type of food. It isn't too late to become aware of this deadly "product". I personally do not eat anything with HFCS in it, as often as possible. Sometimes you just don't know. Protect your cells and live a healthy life today!

Don't forget to follow on twitter @as_llc


Thanks for reading!

The Fountain Of Youth?

Is this the fountain of youth? I have been taking Protandim for several months now, and I have never felt better. Stress levels down, much less pain in my joints than before, and an overall feeling of well being. I have been talking with a lot of happy customers. "This stuff just plain works" I have had nothing but raving fans with all of the people taking it. Lower blood pressure? Sure. Pain melting away? Absolutely. I am on a mission to make sure as many people know about this little miracle as possible. It has changed my life, my friends lives, and tons of happy customers. I hope you get the chance to try Protandim soon! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter! @as_llc


Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hello everyone! This will be the first entry into our blog for A Healthier Life Today . We are excited to bring you valuable and sometimes entertaining information in relation to a great product, Protandim. This product has changed the lives of many people and is the next step in anti aging medicine and science. The basis behind it is that free radicals damage our cells which causes aging. Protandim has been scientifically proven to nearly reverse the aging process. I have been on this supplement personally and no joke, it makes me feel like superman. I made the mistake of missing a couple of weeks and I noticed a huge decline in my mood and my overall well being. If you would like more information on this amazing product, please feel free to visit my website. You won't be sorry you did! Also, please check out this video, it is very informative.